Make them feel like a star with a stunning surprise: the freshest roses, alstroemeria, carnations, Gerberas, lilies, and more, hand-arranged by our expert florists into a beautiful presentation bouquet. This bouquet, designed to be gracefully carried over the arm, is perfect for graduations, dance recitals, awards ceremonies, proms, or any occasion that puts someone in the spotlight. The hand-designed arrangement features alstroemeria, carnations, Gerberas, roses, waxflowers, lilies, orchids, leather leaves, and seeded eucalyptus, all finished with a stylish ribbon. Measuring approximately 28" H x 12" W, each bouquet is artistically crafted by our select florists, ensuring a unique touch with colors, varieties, and containers that may vary due to local availability. Enjoy the convenience of same-day flower delivery to make your celebration even more special.